Trip to Manchester Whitworth Gallery to see the exhibition of works by Dürer. This links with the Study Day
Thursday 7th December,picking up at Morton Park at 9.00am, then at Nun's close at 9.30, returning at 4.00pm.The coach takes a maximum of 20 people.
The basic price is £70
There are a number of other galleries in the vicinity which may be of interest.
Della can arrange for a maximum of 10 people to visit Mrs Gaskell's house. The visit will cost and an extra £7 per person for admission.
There is a café at the Whitworth Gallery where people may purchase lunch.
Please contact Della Kerr, on 01325 721458, or, and please let Della know if you would like to visit Mrs Gaskell's House.
Payment by cheque to:
North Yorkshire & South Durham DFAS
or by BACS: SD&NYDFAS, account number 00017726, sort code 40-52-40. Be sure to add your name and let Della know that you have paid.